Blindfold Trail Adaptions!
Alien Egg Retrieval Mission:
You are travelling through an alien landscape in the dark. Your team leader has special ‘goggles’ so they can see clearly and will have to instruct the rest of their team through this hazardous land safely looking after all of the team.
Your team need to gather as many alien eggs with you on your journey but you have no bags or pockets to carry them in.
Your team leader is allergic to Alien eggs and cannot touch them!
The Team leader must tell their team on how to collect them safely.
Once gathered carry your eggs around until you reach the incubator.
Do not drop the eggs! Alien Eggs when dropped break instantly and cannot be picked up again during the game.
Any eggs once picked up must not touch the ground again as they self- destruct and your mission will fail!
Team members who step off stepping stones and balance beams and fall into hazards must drop any eggs they are carrying when they ‘fall’ but they will be able to re-join their group.
You have 30 minutes for your mission.
All team members must wear safety helmets as there are all sorts of obstacles in the dark!
The team which collects the most Alien Eggs and places them safely in the special incubator at the end of the journey wins!
Maze Time Mission:
You have an Alien egg which you need to practice passing through a special incubator. The mission commander is looking for the best team overall.
You have to get it through the incubator as quickly and safely as possible.
You will need at least one team member on each corner of the incubator.
Lift it off the floor so the feet do not touch the ground.
Insert your egg at the start hole.
The team members on the corners will need to lift, lower and tilt their point to enable the ball to pass through the incubator passages.
It would be useful to have a member of your team looking at the maze of passages and instructing the team which way to tilt to get the egg to roll through.
No turning the incubator over / upside down.
Do not lose any team members on this mission through injury…
At least one team member on each corner when in use.
No tilting the incubator on its legs they may break and then your mission with be aborted.
Do not drop the incubator on your toes, its heavy!
No poking your fingers inside the incubator!
Swamp Crossing:
Goal: In search of rare pink porpoise eggs to feed your alien, your expedition team must safely cross the bogs of Lost Swamp. Surprisingly, you have discovered that the boggish water of the swamp is still inhabited by saber-toothed beavers, trainer chewing turtles and leather liking great white bog sharks.
You can only cross the swamp by resting the planks provided across the swamp sitting on the immovable stumps.
All team members must cross the planks, you cannot touch the swamp with your foot or a plank as they will sink and you will lose that team member or plank! There is rope attacked to the planks but do not drop it in the swamp the beavers love to eat it!
All team members must start from the same departure point using only the four boards and rope provided.
Passage can only be made by staying on high ground and avoiding all contact with the swamp water!
Should team members or props come in contact with the water, you must return to the departure point and start over.
Subtract one board to make the end of the puzzle more tricky.
You may want to cordon the edges of the swamp off so teams can only access from start and leave at the end of their crossing.